On ne vit qu'une fois

Tag Archives: love

My poor fattybear has injured herself the other day 😦  She had trouble walking, laying down, and was not her usual happy self. We took her to the vet yesterday and he said she hurt her back. He prescribed her medications and will need to do a recheck in a few weeks. He said she SHOULD be fine and does not think she injured a disk. She is doing a little better today after some medication so I pray she is going the right direction. I decided to dedicate this post just to fatty! She is such an amazing dog, no wait I consider her as my daughter since I raised her since she was a wee baby. Always been there for me, my ups and my downs and is ALWAYS happy and forgiving even when I yell at her. She is my perfect fattybear.


Selfie picture with Nala! She loves posing!


Always lays in the strangest positions.


Just so in love with her! Can’t explain our bond.


Wearing “headphones”!! 🙂


Up close and personal!

And lastly…a huge MERCI to my boyfriend. He has come a long way from hating dogs and rejecting the idea of Nala moving to NYC with me to accepting her with open arms and loving her as much as he can. It’s amazing to see how their relationship has blossomed as ours did too ❤



Love really does conquer all 🙂

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Until next time!



It’s been awhile! Life sure does like to throw shit at me (and I’m sure everyone else). Feels so good to be typing away 🙂 Been busy with looking for a new job, taking care of my babyboo, taking care of MYSELF, and loving the boyfriend as best as I can.

I went in for a biopsy on Monday and had a vasovagal reaction – where you sweat like a pig, shake, vomit, and faint. Luckily the boyfriend took time off of work to be there with me which I am very thankful for. It was really scary and even though I tried to be tough and not cry, I wanted to bawl like a baby. Not only this but I had a “stress” reaction from the procedure and my face broke out in chicken pox like bumps. I realized as I get older, my body seems to be expressing itself more. Why must you do this to me my dear body?!

On a happier note…


Nalabear got her summer do 🙂 She has also lost 3lbs! I found out recently she is an excellent running partner. LOVES running with me so I bought a hands free running leash.


Summer days = being sleepy and soaking in the beautiful sun. Such a hard life 😛

Last weekend we decided to do a road trip to Vermont. WHO KNEW I WAS SUCH A COUNTRY GIRL? Cheese and farm animals galore.


(Shelbourne Vineyards)


One of the best Bloody Mary’s I had at the Prohibition Pig!


(On top at Mt. Mansfield)


(Taylor Farms)


(Taylor Farms)

That sums up my trip to Vermont. Just a lot of eating and petting cute animals. My two favorite things to do! In addition, my bff visited from Chitown a few weeks ago.


(@ the Beehive one of my favorite restaurants)

Memorial Day weekend is coming up! The bf and I are planning on going to Cape Cod for a day trip. I just want to have a relaxing weekend and hopefully these stress spots on my face will go away. Weather in Boston has been pretty POOP this week. Sometimes it makes me so depressed.


Beautiful hydrangeas to brighten up a gloomy day.

Everyone always has a bad day but it’ll pass ❤ It’ll always get better and there’s always an answer to every problem. You just haven’t figured it out yet 🙂

Till next time my loves,


We hear this every time – “just be happy” or “you only live once”…Sometimes it’s hard to think this when you are in a terrible mood, right? I mean nobody is perfect but if you at least tell yourself this and try to make your life and yourself a better person, I think that counts the most…

I remember vividly in the summer of 2009 when my dad ended up in the hospital due to stomach pains. He couldn’t walk and was doubling in pain. We were in the North Shore hospital while my dad went through every testing possible. Finally they couldn’t figure it out so they sent him to University of Chicago Hospital for more testing. I remember visiting him since my mom was busy taking care of work. It was really hard cause I knew my dad was lonely, it was either me or his sister (my aunt) visiting. I thought my dad would be okay, I mean we put all our trust in doctors right? Why do they go to all those years of schooling for?

When my dad’s internal doctor from Univ of Chicago finally said it could be liver cancer, we went through every possible option. Transplant? Chemo? We had to discuss this with the liver specialists the next day.

Waiting in the room with my dad for the doctors was torture. Doctors walked in with x-rays. Pointed at some dots on the film. No options for daddy. Only few months to live. Shock.

As many of my friends know, I am a very private person. I didn’t tell anyone except my then boyfriend about my dad’s condition until several months he passed away. I was still shocked, how could this happen to MY daddy? Why not someone else’s dad? He was the sweetest and funniest dad in the world and why did God have to take him away? I was angry at God, my dad’s doctors and everyone else in the world. It didn’t help the fact that I was closer to my dad than my mom. My dad always rooted for me, no matter what the case. He was my #1 fan and I was his. I went through depression for the longest time, I cried A LOT. No, I didn’t want any help, I wanted to get through this by myself and you know what? I did. It was the hardest thing I had to go through – my dad passing away and my depression. But I when I look back at this, I realize that it has made me a stronger person. If I feel like I am going through a hard moment, I think about how I overcame this and I realize that my current moment is nothing compared to the past and that if I survived my dad and my depression, I can conquer anything….

When my dad passed, I was so afraid of dying because of the unknown. What will happen to me when I die?  But I eventually somehow defeated my horrible thoughts. I am not afraid of dying anymore. If I die, at least I know I lived happy and the way I wanted…

I learned that life really is short, you never know when it will end and it’s not worth to worry about the silly crap. LIVE IN THE MOMENT, not the future or past… Cherish these moments including your loved ones. Most importantly, BE HAPPY. Life is fantastic when you are happy….


Picture – my mom, me, daddy, sis, grandma, & grandpa. RIP Daddy, Grandma, & Grandpa. I love you Dad and there is not a day when I don’t think about you…
