On ne vit qu'une fois

Tag Archives: love

First post! Excited for my not so interesting and not so famous blog 🙂

So here are the introductions…

This is me…


Obviously the skinnier and skankier version of me…I will post an updated picture once I lose some weight.

This is my sweet pup Nala, whom I love so dearly & cannot live without (btw she is not a pup-she’s 7 years old already! Time really flies)


This is my ex-boyfriend. We dated for six years and I really thought we were going to get married together. But shit happened and for some weird fantastical reason we are awesome best friends. I cherish our friendship dear to my heart.


And this is my sweet loving boyfriend. Words cannot describe our relationship. But I am lucky and so grateful to have him in my life.


From Chicago to NYC to Boston, where will I move to next? Excited for my blog and to take my readers with me on my journey through my oh so interesting life 😉 Stay tuned!!